16/07/2013 | 17:21      
Zahara de los Atunes | Harbour of Zahara
Velada de la Virgen del Carmen

Very typical party of Zahara de los Atunes. In honor of the "Virgen del Carmen" the people bring her image to the port and then on a boat to the sea, accompanied by many other boats. The return will be celebrated with fireworks.
In the evening then, when the Virgen is back in the church, there is music and dance in the center of the village.
As july is already tourist season, Zahara is cowded and the night gets long.

A very nice party, showing visitors the strong traditions of Zahara de los Atunes!

Harbour of Zahara
11130 Zahara de los Atunes()

View at google maps "Velada de la Virgen del Carmen Zahara 2013"
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Very typical party of Zahara de los Atunes. In honor of the "Virgen del Carmen" the people bring her image to the port and then on a boat to the sea, accompanied by many other boats. The return will be celebrated with fireworks. In the evening then, when the Virgen is back in the church, there is music and dance in the center of the village. As july is already tourist season, Zahara is cowded and the night gets long. A very nice party, showing visitors the strong traditions of Za Jul 16 , | 17:21 Jan 01 , | 00:00
Harbour of Zahara, Harbour() Zahara de los Atunes, 11130
Latitude: 36 deg 23 min 24 sec N Longitude: -6 deg 5 min 24 dec W
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=&ie=UTF8&z=6&daddr=Harbour of Zahara,Zahara de los Atunes 11130 Spain
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