23/02/2018 | 19:00      
Tarifa (CZ) | OmShala Tarifa
Ravi Ramoneda Live Concert


In the course of the opening activities of the new OmShala Tarifa hall, and taking the momentum of the Carnival of Tarifa, it is a great joy to be able to count on the presence of Ravi Ramoneda who is visiting Tarifa Spain from Barcelona.

Devotional by nature, since his young age he has been accompanied by masters from different disciplines, trained in traditional Chinese medicine and healing through awareness and the power of sound.

He has explored different instruments and songs of the world that have helped him to express the devotion of Bhakti in different ways and styles.

His main concern has always been the realization of the Being and it is what he breathes and lives through his music and songs.

Ravi's message goes beyond the mental or even the emotional, as it reaches very deep spaces.

It is a unique experience.

The presence and silence of Ravi, takes us straight to the heart, and his chanting to Bhakti, devotion, an experience that for many is liberating and reconnects with spaces that we sometimes did not even know we built.

He has a very special way of opening his heart and translating his lineage into contemporary language, making the experience accessible to all.

He currently travels the world offering workshops and concerts with the message of the awakening of the heart and the Path of PEACE.

In order to avoid driving by car, it's advisable to rent an apartment by the beach or in the nearby old city center of Tarifa Spain.

At the end of February prices are very attractive and a shared apartment with friends does not cost that much.

OmShala Tarifa
Mar Adriático, 9, Local 5
11380 Tarifa(CZ)

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In the course of the opening activities of the new OmShala Tarifa hall, and taking the momentum of the Carnival of Tarifa, it is a great joy to be able to count on the presence of Ravi Ramoneda who is visiting Tarifa Spain from Barcelona. Devotional by nature, since his young age he has been accompanied by masters from different disciplines, trained in traditional Chinese medicine and healing through awareness and the power of sound. He has explored different instruments and songs of the w Feb 23 , | 19:00 Jan 01 , | 00:00
OmShala Tarifa, Mar Adriático, 9, Local 5(CZ) Tarifa, CZ 11380
Latitude: 0 deg 0 min 0 sec N Longitude: 0 deg 0 min 0 dec W
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=&ie=UTF8&z=6&daddr=OmShala Tarifa,Tarifa 11380 Spain
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