18/04/2019 | 17:00      
Tarifa (CZ) | Waves Beach Bar Tarifa
Punto Zeero at the Waves Beach Bar

The season is still young, but the Wavebar has already organized an event.

On 18th of April you can participate in the "Punto Zeero".

It's an esoteric concept that speaks of a point where all the energy can be used to generate new energy.

If it sounds interesting to you, you should head this day to the parking

lot next to the Hotel Dos Mares, where the Wavebar is located.

The area is ideal for restoring and cleaning, for kitesurfing and

Windsurfing, the two most popular sports in Tarifa Spain.

Very close - in the midst of beautiful nature - we offer many

beautiful cottages that allow the perfect stay in our special city.

Enjoy Tarifa!

Waves Beach Bar Tarifa
Playa de Los Lances Norte-Norte, N-340 Km.81, entre el río Jara
11380 Tarifa(CZ)

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The season is still young, but the Wavebar has already organized an event. On 18th of April you can participate in the "Punto Zeero". It's an esoteric concept that speaks of a point where all the energy can be used to generate new energy. If it sounds interesting to you, you should head this day to the parking lot next to the Hotel Dos Mares, where the Wavebar is located. The area is ideal for restoring and cleaning, for kitesurfing and Windsurfing, the two most popul Apr 18 , | 17:00 Jan 01 , | 00:00
Waves Beach Bar Tarifa, Playa de Los Lances Norte-Norte, N-340 Km.81, entre el río Jara(CZ) Tarifa, CZ 11380
Latitude: 0 deg 0 min 0 sec N Longitude: 0 deg 0 min 0 dec W
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=&ie=UTF8&z=6&daddr=Waves Beach Bar Tarifa,Tarifa 11380 Spain
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