04/08/2018 | 21:00      
Tarifa (CZ) | Teatro Alameda
Mare II Festival Danza Oriental Tarifa Spain

The calendar of events in Tarifa Spain is full in the main season.

Almost every day there is something you can see.

The night of August 4th is no exception.

This Saturday is the second edition of the "Mare II Oriental Dance Festival Tarifa". A big show full of art, magic and emotions awaits you and all for a good cause, because the proceeds go to the AECC (Spanish Association Against Cancer).

Among the artists are María Calera, Yamila Surya and Ana Romero.

The location of this beautiful event will be the most important place of culture in Tarifa Spain - the "Teatro Alameda" next to the Tourist Office and just a few meters from the old town of Tarifa,

where there are restaurants and bars as well as shops for your stay in Tarifa Spain.

Do not miss the summer in Tarifa Spain! Its magical!

Teatro Alameda
Plaza Del Cine Y Teatro Alameda
11380 Tarifa(CZ)

View at google maps "Mare II Festival Danza Oriental Tarifa Spain"
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The calendar of events in Tarifa Spain is full in the main season. Almost every day there is something you can see. The night of August 4th is no exception. This Saturday is the second edition of the "Mare II Oriental Dance Festival Tarifa". A big show full of art, magic and emotions awaits you and all for a good cause, because the proceeds go to the AECC (Spanish Association Against Cancer). Among the artists are María Calera, Yamila Surya and Ana Romero. The locat Aug 04 , | 21:00 Jan 01 , | 00:00
Teatro Alameda, Plaza Del Cine Y Teatro Alameda(CZ) Tarifa, CZ 11380
Latitude: 0 deg 0 min 0 sec N Longitude: 0 deg 0 min 0 dec W
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=&ie=UTF8&z=6&daddr=Teatro Alameda,Tarifa 11380 Spain
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